"(Re)Connecting" Short Film (CITC Productions) In Development "Blood Ties" Short Film (Josiah Poling Films) SaberComp LCC Entry 2023 "Heautoscopy" Short Film (Johnston Jeffries) 2022 "The Road We Take" Short Film (Max Jordan) 2022 "The Next Move" Interactive Film Pitch (JeTSpice Games) 2022 "Hero" Short Film (CITC Productions) 2021 "A Match Made At Christmas" Feature Film (Abundant House Films) 2021 "Victor King: Private Eye" Short Film (Netslow Productions) 2021 "Created By Design Sizzle" Film Pitch Sizzle (Amanda Steen/Created By Design) 2020 "Storm Born" YouTube Series (Brighsword Productions) 2020 "Broken" Short Film (Gryffin Fury Productions) 2019/2020 "Statera" Short Film (Netslow Productions) SaberComp LCC Entry 2019 "True Neutral" Short Film (Johnston Jeffries) SaberComp LCC Entry 2019 "Descent" Short Film (Abundant House Films) 2018 "Endgame" Short Film (Matthew McAndrew) SaberComp LCC Entry 2018 "Unordinary Friday" Short Film (Boomjack Productions) 2018 "Lost & Found" Short Film (Abundant House Films/HomeGrown Filmmaker) 2017 "Save Lives. Apologize" Short Film (Abundant House Films/HomeGrown Filmmaker) 2016 "Enumclaw: 10 Decades" Historical Documentary Short Film (CityOfEnumclaw) 2014 "Weeping Willow: A Hunger Games Fan Film" Short Film (Abundant House Films/Rogue Zohu Productions) 2014 |
For creatives, each person falls in love with what they desire to create after being inspired by someone else who has gone before them. These role models are:
People who have shown a proven track record of a shared passion.
People who are able to use as a measuring stick for others' progress.
People who give new inspiration on what next to create.
For Elie, these are the masters who have inspired her to push herself to be better as a composer; The ones who have gone before as trailblazers, and made their stories known through music; The ones who you may hear, in new ways, through her music.
They are not the only ones, but they are ones that have never ceased to inspire.
People who have shown a proven track record of a shared passion.
People who are able to use as a measuring stick for others' progress.
People who give new inspiration on what next to create.
For Elie, these are the masters who have inspired her to push herself to be better as a composer; The ones who have gone before as trailblazers, and made their stories known through music; The ones who you may hear, in new ways, through her music.
They are not the only ones, but they are ones that have never ceased to inspire.