Broken: With the composing process for Broken, Elie was inspired by Thomas Newman’s score from the movie “Tolkien.” She loved the whimsical yet graceful style, and with simple piano, strings, and ambient backgrounds, the result was a very fitting score for her film. Click icon to listen. Descent: Although Descent was the first film she ever composed for, Elie was excited to take on the challenge of creating a score that sounded as vast as space itself. With the orchestra supporting the ambient soundscapes, the score ebbs and flows with the action, intensity, drama, and emotion of each scene. Click icon to listen. Endgame: Growing up watching the Star Wars films, Elie was overjoyed to work on a modern-day Star Wars fan film for a competition. Even though her score is much different compared to the scores of the great John Williams, she used epic instrumentation to make for a powerful ending to the film. It is one of her favorite compositions to date. Click icon to listen. |